Endless space 2 tips for supremacy victory
Endless space 2 tips for supremacy victory

"CollisionX/ZRadius" -in- GroundBattleUnitConfigs uncertain as to the exact function, probably has to do with explosions and similar graphics. "VisualYPositionOffset='_" -in- GroundBattleUnitConfigs this does what it says it does, changing the location of the units as viewed on the grid. "SocleSize=_" -in- GroundBattleUnitConfigs + + this appeared to change the size/circumference of circles on the ground surrounding troops. Ultimately, I played around with editing and testing values such as: I ended up pouring over a few different files, including some in other locations such as the Schemas, Simulations, and Settings folders.

  • "I was looking through the recommended folder, but was unable/incapable of finding any specific values that clearly defined a correlation between manpower and the number of troops visually displayed.
  • "I haven't had time to check through the files, but if you check the folder "steamapps/common/Endless Space 2/Public/GroundBattle" you may be able to find some values that alter the number of troops displayed per manpower spent and get the desired effect with a small mod.".
  • is there anyway to increase the amount of troops shown in ground battles?"

    Endless space 2 tips for supremacy victory mod#

  • "Obviously we have moved well beyond this update, but I have long been left wondering if there is any method or mod capable of revamping the scale of the units shown.
  • "The ground battles visual pacing has also been heavily tweaked no more will you see two blobs of units against each other, now each ground battle tactic has its dedicated visual formation, unit types attack independently, and impacts are focused on units," (1.3.3, Supremacy Update).
  • Essentially, I am looking to introduce a way to increase the amount of ground troops viewed in battles. The victory category that an AI is most likely to accomplish in the late game is a science victory most any lategame that I'm in danger of losing it's to an AI science victory.The following is a repost of a thread that I created in "Endless Space 2 > General Discussions" on Steam (link to initial discussion) as Genghis Khannor.įor the sake of simplicity, I have also included a summarized rendition below - focusing on the main points, as well as the research and testing I have since concluded. The AIs seem to get significant production bonuses, and the frontrunner will have a much larger empire than you.

    endless space 2 tips for supremacy victory

    If you're going for a science victory on a high difficulty level, I don't think three regions is going to be good enough. Can I take the three regions, hold them, and attain one of these 2 victory types? How many cities/ regions does one take to achieve these victories? (Example: I am playing as Vaulters on an Island map and find myself on a 3 region island with no one else. The Vaulters are pretty amazing in general, so they're doubly useful if you're aiming for a science victory. Of course, it was the Vaulters, so that's going to help. I just finished a game on Impossible last night where my science victory beat out my wonder victory by a couple of turns. You're stomping around conquering cities at will - if you want, you can turn all your resources to science and crank out a science victory. No personal information, threats of any kind, malware, deceptive or otherwise harmful linksĪlso if you are a content creator, please refrain posting all your videos here - one thread is enough.įundamentally, once you're winning in the endgame, you can easily go for a science victory instead of anything else.

    endless space 2 tips for supremacy victory

    You can post your own videos, but don't spam.Don't derail threads with off-topic memes or controversy.

    endless space 2 tips for supremacy victory

    Low effort submissions (reaction images, images of your screen taken with a phone camera, unrelated gifs, etc) are frowned upon.

  • Submissions should be related to Endless Legend.
  • r/DungeonOfTheEndless (Roguelike dungeoncrawler with tower defense)

    endless space 2 tips for supremacy victory

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  • Endless space 2 tips for supremacy victory